Macabre Daily is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to


As such, we feel the need to let you know that some of our posts will contain affiliate links to products and services on other sites. If you click through these links and end up buying a product or subscribing to a service, etc. you won’t pay any more than if you had found it on your own, however we will receive compensation for putting you in touch with something that you (hopefully) will enjoy. Please understand that this is to help us keep the site going and to make it easier for us to keep creating new content for you.


There may be some confusion as to the differences between paid advertising and affiliate marketing so please allow us to clear this up.

Paid Advertising/Sponsored Content is when a company or brand offers somebody money to promote their product. The person doing the promoting may or may not be familiar with that product, but ultimately they are being paid to say what the sponsor would like them to say and to promote what the sponsor would like them to promote.

Affiliate Marketing is where an agreement is made between a marketer and a service/brand in such a way that the marketer (in this case us) selects which products and services they would like to promote, in our case it’s usually things which we are familiar with and would normally recommend for free.

The main difference is that with affiliate marketing we get to choose what we recommend, and we get to say what we really want to say about it, instead of selling you some stuff we don’t care about and saying things we don’t really mean. We think of selling out as saying things you don’t mean or doing things you would never normally do in exchange for money, so from our perspective affiliate marketing lets us earn a living and keep the site running, without having to sell out. Thanks for all your support.