George A. Romero's 'DIARY OF THE DEAD' Getting New Steelbook Blu-Ray Release


George A. Romero was the godfather of zombies. That is not an opinion it’s fact and the fifth installment of his “Dead” series, ‘DIARY OF THE DEAD’ is finally getting a bit of an upgrade with a new SteelBook Blu-ray on July 2 from Lionsgate.

Lionsgate released the info today in a press release and of course we bring that to you.

“This gruesome fright flick is only available at Walmart on SteelBook Blu-ray for the suggested retail price of $24.99.”

In Diary of the Dead, Romero continues his influential “Dead” series, this time focusing on a terrified group of college film students who record the pandemic rise of flesh-eating zombies.

Now this flick, like most of Romero’s films tackled social commentary and the need to film everything. There are more cameras in the world now than when this flick came out so we wonder what Romero would have to say about influencers and the like. Maybe we’re all just zombies and Romero was just ahead of the curve.

We’ll be adding this one to our collection and you should too.

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