Ron Perlman Pleads To Guillermo del Toro For 'HELLBOY 3' - "We Owe It To The Fans"


Time as Pink Floyd once sang, Is Ticking Away and with every move of the clock its looking more and more that we will never see a proper Hellboy 3 from Guillermo del Toro. That however is not stopping Hellboy himself, Ron Perlman from making a case for the sequel…again.

In his most recent comments on the matter, Perlman explains that the fans deserve it, even if he’s not exactly eager to do it.

Perlman tells The Independent, “Am I eager to do Hellboy 3? No, I’m 71 fucking years old. We owe this to the fans, and we should give it to them because it would be an epic conclusion.”

So Guillermo, if you’re reading, I’m not done pounding you to get this fucking thing done,” Perlman adds, making a plea to Guillermo del Toro in an effort to make it happen.

Hellboy did make a comeback in 2019 but that film didn’t fair so well at the box office, only pulling in $55 million when it was made for $50 million. That equaled no sequels for David Harbour (“Stranger Things”) who played Hellboy for that film.

At this junction though, and with so many fans wanting a proper send off for the big red guy, who knows, we just might get it. Anything is possible in Hollyweird.

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