Steven Spielberg’s Mysterious “Event Movie” Has Been Givin A Release Date By Universal


Universal Pictures: Close Encounters Of The Third Kind

Earlier this year, we learned that legendary director Steven Spielberg would be teaming up with David Koepp (Jurassic Park) on an untitled “UFO film based on his own original idea,” and it would appear that Universal Pictures has dated that project for release this afternoon.

Our friends over at BloodyDisgusting let us know that Universal will be bringing an untitled “original event film” from Steven Spielberg to theaters on May 15, 2026, which has David Koepp as the writer. We have it on good authority that the flick will be a UFO movie and we’re stoked to see Spielberg doing sci-fi again.

Spielberg is no stranger to aliens as he has made a few truly memorable films like E.T and Close Encounters Of The Third Kind. His last venture into this genre was 2005s WAR OF THE WORLDS.

Stay tuned for more on Spielberg’s mysterious new UFO movie as we learn it.

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