The Never-Ending Allure of 80's Horror Movies: Why They Still Draw Us To Keep Watching Decades Later?


The 1980s was a golden era for horror cinema, it opened the door to a plethora of iconic films that continue to captivate audiences to this day. Despite the passage of time, these horror movies and their franchise icons retain a timelessly macabre appeal, drawing their viewers into their chilling worlds of terror and suspense. From horror-providing slashers to tantalizing supernatural thrillers, the world of cinema in the 80s produced a diverse range of horror classics that have left a terror-inducing mark on popular culture. It makes you wonder, what is it about these films that make them so enduringly enjoyable? If you are not in the know of why the 80s was one of the best decades of horror or just need a bit of a reminder, here are a few things that will get you in the mood to grab some buttery popcorn and get ready to binge-watch some classics:


1. Nostalgia Factor:

One of the biggest reasons for the continuously growing popularity of 80's horror movies is the nostalgia factor they provide. For many horror movie fans, these movies have evoked fond memories of their youth, harkening back to a time when VHS tapes and late-night movie marathons were the norm. The still enjoyable 80's aesthetic, characterized by neon colors, radical pop culture figures, and the always missed days of only practical effects used in horror movies, has become synonymous with the horror genre. It creates a sense of nostalgia that transports viewers back to an era where we all wish we could jump into a DeLorean, gun it to 88 MPH, and visit that decade once again or maybe for the first time.


2. Iconic Villains:

The 80's gave rise to some of the most iconic and deranged villains in horror history. From the masked maniacs of slasher films like the revenge-seeking, hockey mask-wearing Jason Voorhees from ‘Friday the 13th’ and the wise-cracking dream demon himself, Freddy Krueger in ‘A Nightmare on Elm Street’ to the otherworldly creatures of ‘The Thing’’. These horror films introduced audiences to a rogues' gallery of memorable antagonists that would haunt the dreams of their fans each time they pressed play. Whether they were supernatural entities or deranged killers, these villains captured the imagination of viewers and became the stuff of nightmares for generations to come.


3. Practical Effects:

Unlike many modern horror films that rely heavily (or if you’re being very blunt about it, way too much) on CGI, 80's horror movies were renowned for their use of practical effects. From elaborate prosthetics to intricate miniatures, filmmakers of the era employed a variety of techniques to bring their nightmarish visions to life. The results provided a tangible sense of realism that enhanced the terror of the on-screen horrors. Whether it was the grotesque transformations caused by telepods in ‘The Fly’ or the grisly deaths caused by reading a cursed book in ‘The Evil Dead’. Practical effects provided an all too real quality to 80's horror that continues to resonate with audiences today. Practical effects in 80’s movies not only added an extra edge to the gore in horror movies but also inspired many present-day filmmakers to get their start making their own contributions to horror.


4. Social Commentary:

Beneath their veneer of blood and gore, many 80's horror movies contained subtle social commentary that resonated with audiences on a deeper level than some may realize. Films like ‘They Live’ and ‘The Stepfather’ explored themes of consumerism and uneasiness. By infusing their stories with social relevance, these horror films transcended the confines of the genre and offered audiences thought-provoking insights into the human condition, that hit home harder for some viewers than others. They didn’t go too far with the concept of social commentary like some movies can these days, but the message never bled into the story more than it needed to. It was that subtle way about their unique blend of real-world message and storytelling that outshines even some of the more recent horror movies we see on the big screen today.


5. Memorable Soundtracks:

Not many discussions of 80's horror movies would be complete without mentioning their iconic soundtracks that some of us still jam out on during our drives to or from work. From John Carpenter's synth-driven scores to the hair-raising catchy anthems of bands like Goblin and Dokken, the music of the era played a crucial role in setting the mood and atmosphere of these horror films. Whether it was the pulsating beats of ‘Halloween 2’ or the haunting melodies of ‘A Nightmare on Elm Street’, the music of 80's horror served to heighten the tension and immerse viewers in the terrifying worlds of the films. Not to mention the 80s had some of the best music out there that still draws fans in even today.


6. Cult Following:

Many 80's horror movies initially flew under the radar upon their release but have since gained cult followings thanks to the availability of home video and the internet spreading the word for them in a way the filmmakers never thought possible. Films like ‘Sleepaway Camp’ and ‘Re-Animator’ may not have been box office hits when they were first released, but they have since amassed dedicated fan bases who celebrate their campy charm and subversive humor. The cult status of these films has continued to grow over time, as new generations of horror fans discover and embrace their offbeat appeal, through recommendations of people who originally enjoyed them, horror conventions spreading the word and of course, great horror podcasts out there spreading their love of these films for the entire world to listen to, then eventually go watch for themselves.


7. Enduring Influence:

Perhaps the most compellingly obvious reason for the continued popularity of 80's horror movies is their enduring influence on the genre as a whole. Many of the tropes and edgy storytelling that originated in these films, from the final girl archetype to the use of jump scares, have become go-to tactics used in most horror cinema today. Filmmakers continue to pay homage to the classics of the 80s, both overtly and subtly, ensuring that their legacy lives on in the films of today. So many movies out there like ‘Cabin in the Woods’, ‘House of a 1000 Corpses’, and so many more sneak subtle hints for their own fandom in their movies as a way to connect with the many horror fans out there like them.


More can be said about why 80's horror movies remain as enjoyable today as they were decades ago, thanks to their potent blend of everything mentioned. Whether you're a seasoned horror movie aficionado, a casual horror movie viewer, or someone new to the genre, there's something undeniably captivating about the terror-filled worlds and unforgettable characters of these timeless horror movie classics. As the years go by, one thing is certain: the allure of 80's horror movies will continue to provide us with macabre-inspired curiosity and hauntingly great enjoyment for generations to come.

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