Sister Of Darkness: MacabreDaily Talks With Rachel Stavis , A Modern Exorcist


You either love her or hate her – if you’re an entity, that is. Rachel Stavis is the world’s first nondenominational exorcist, performing her work on everyone from high-profile celebrities and politicians to her own friends. In her memoir, 'Sister of Darkness: The Chronicles of a Modern Exorcist,' Rachel recounts her journey to accepting her ability to see entities after ignoring her gift throughout her childhood and into adulthood. Now, Rachel utilizes her ability to help others cast off entities that are attached to them.

I was fortunate enough to read Rachel’s memoir and ask her my burning questions about her supernatural coworkers (?) and what is coming up next for the Sister of Darkness.

MacabreDaily: As you mentioned in the book, entities are curious and often frightened of you and your abilities. When writing this book, did you find it emotionally difficult or even feel as though forces were attempting to prevent you from writing and “exposing” them?

Rachel Stavis: Yes. Entities absolutely would rather stay hidden, so the more work I do, and the more public it becomes, the more I have to fight them.

MD: Since your book was first published, is there anything that you have witnessed that has influenced you to change your beliefs or practices when performing an exorcism?

RS: Since the book, I’ve seen entities that don’t quite fit into my original list - especially in spaces. I’m hoping to cover that in my next book!

MD: Aside from Mediums, have you been able to connect with other exorcists, and is there anyone in particular you admire?

RS: I have worked with priests and spiritual leaders around the world, actually! And to be fair, I admire anyone who is working on bettering themselves every day. It isn’t easy, especially with everything going on in the world, to stay positive and kind.

MD: You mentioned that you don’t know if Hell or Heaven exists. If they did, what would be in your personal afterlife?

RS: Senior dogs! So many senior dogs, They’re the best. And wine.

MD: If you could perform an exorcism on any horror villain, who would it be and why?

RS: Ha! Probably all the dolls: Chucky, Annabelle, etc. Although Chucky is actually funny, so maybe he can stay!

MD: You mentioned many serious accounts of exorcisms in the book. Despite the gravity of your clients' reasons for coming to you, do you have any funny things that have happened during an exorcism?

RS: All the time actually! Sometimes deceased loved ones come in and try to get the client’s attention. They’ll throw things, open doors, turn candles over. You may not find that funny, but I always do. And I have to tell the client, “That’s just your grandma, getting annoyed I’m not acknowledging her”.

MD: Do you think social media plays a part in lowering energy and allowing entities to attach to you? If so, do you have any tips for combating this?

RS: I think it can, depending on what you spend your time looking at. If it makes you feel bad, it’s bad. Keep your social media as high vibrational as possible, and please take breaks.

MD: As someone who loves horror, do you think horror fans are more susceptible to entities because of the dark subject matter? Do you find it difficult to keep your frequency up when watching horror movies?

RS: Not really, only because I think, for most people, horror is used as a way to deal with trauma. It’s a controlled trauma, as opposed to the uncontrollable we feel every day: what’s going on in the world, our own issues, etc. Even still, once again, if it feels gross to you, then it’s not what you should be watching. I love horror and there are some things that I won’t watch (like gore for the sake of gore).

MD: Towards the end of your book, you mentioned the dark history of The Cecil Hotel and hopes of performing an exorcism on it in the near future. Do you have any updates on this?

RS: The Cecil has changed hands many times, and so we’ve had to fight pretty hard! But I’m determined.

MD: What else can we look forward to from you? Maybe another memoir?

RS: Actually, right now we are working on taking my scariest true accounts and bringing them to the big screen! More news on that soon.

You can read details of Rachel’s many supernatural encounters and learn a few tips and tricks on how to keep your frequency high and the entities at bay in her bestselling memoir, Sister of Darkness: The Chronicles of a Modern Exorcist.

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